the bfg -pg电子试玩

发布于 2020-05-06
this book is about a girl named sophie who did not sleep at night and was caught by a friendly giant who trying to blow a good dream to sophie. later, he went to a secret island that he lived in with 9 other bigger giants who were not friendly. they called human as “human bean”. once, one of the giants went to the cave that the big friendly giant lived in, and he almost found sophie whose hiding in a snoozecumber, it taste terrible, the bigger giant spit the snoozecumber out after he tried it, and sophie flew out, too. later, the bfg lead sophie to a place in new zealand that had some wild dreams flying around, then the bfg showed sophie how to locate and catch a dream, but he failed, because human had smaller ears compare to the giant, so she can’t hear the dream that’s flying around. finally, they became good friends, and promised to trap all the evil giants and saved all the humans. what they do was that the bfg send sophie into the window that the uk queen lived in, and sophie introduced the bfg to the queen, and they quickly got a plan. they planned to use rope to tangle the evil giants’ leg and hand, then used helicopters (bfg say it is bellypoppers) send them back by putting them under the helicopters. last, the bfg said the army shouldn’t kill the evil giants because giants never die, what they did was simply as their plan, they put the evil giants in a hole and feed them with the disgusting snoozecumber for the rest of their life.


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the bfg
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the bfg
作者:roald dahl,quentin blake 著
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