图书馆随便借了一本书,回到家一看,居然是2021年各大媒体的年度最佳童书。作者是加拿大插画家/作家 cree族人julie flett。书中还有we all play、we play too和we do too的cree语。最后一页还有书中出现的野生动列表以及对应的cree语名称,作者还对cree语的发音作了简单介绍。
书里的宝宝已经会用washcloth自己洗澡了 key words: water rushing out of the faucet bathtub is filling up with water wet the washcloth and later it with soap sail my boat warm and cuddly all clean and dry
四季的最后一本,书中的宝宝已经会玩雪球,堆雪人,划雪橇。建议对照认知到一定月龄再读。当然,其中的birdfeeder在我国比较少见。 key words: hat/scarf/mittens bare tree fall down snowball/snowman birdfeeder sled glide through the snow
简单的睡前各项事项的对话,比较实用,常用的句式可以用于亲子对话: it's bedtime put on pajamas brush your teeth use the potty no more sillies lie down nice and quiet snuggle under your blanket calm your body close your eyes 难点是silly,对太小的宝宝很难解释