he’ll try to talk you into it, but whatever you do don’t give in to this snarky city fowl’s demands. when a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place-a pigeon! but you've never met one like this before. as he pleads, wheedles, and begs his way through the book, children will love being able to answer back and decide his fate. in his hilarious picture book debut, popular cartoonist mo willems perfectly captures a preschooler's temper tantrum. 巴士司机临时有事,离开前特别嘱咐读者,千万“别让鸽子开巴士!”可是鸽子使出百般伎俩:苦苦哀求、撒个小谎、拍马屁、套近乎、耍赖……千方百计想坐上驾驶座,你会同意让鸽子开巴士吗?《鸽子系列:别让鸽子开巴士!》荣获2003年美国凯迪克大奖。he’ll try to talk you into it, but whatever you do don’t give in to this snarky city fowl’s demands. when a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place-a pigeon! but you've never met one like this before. as he pleads, wheedles, and begs his way through the book, children will love being able to answer back and decide his fate. in his hilarious picture book debut, popular cartoonist mo willems perfectly captures a preschooler's temper tantrum. 巴士司机临时有事,离开前特别嘱咐读者,千万“别让鸽子开巴士!”可是鸽子使出百般伎俩:苦苦哀求、撒个小谎、拍马屁、套近乎、耍赖……千方百计想坐上驾驶座,你会同意让鸽子开巴士吗?《鸽子系列:别让鸽子开巴士!》荣获2003年美国凯迪克大奖。
书中的司机像是在跟小读者对话:我要离开一小会儿......别让鸽子开大巴。因此,当鸽子请求说:please?i will be careful的时候,小朋友马上就回答道no!已经身临其境,进入角色了。鸽子接下来各种央求,小朋友都不为所动,似乎是答应了司机帮忙照看,就不能失信的架势。听第一遍音频的时候,觉得鸽子的部分发音不清,是一个小孩子的声音,第二遍时突然领悟原来小鸽子其实就是一个小朋友,有着各种梦想,其配音恰如其分。故事读完后,小朋友说:我今天睡午觉的时候也像鸽子那样,做了...
we read it half a year ago. i don't know if we should read it because it tells your kids how to beg. once they got the skill, you may not be able to reject them!