
2018-1-22 13:35 原创


热度 5已有 438 次阅读2014-10-30 09:33 |系统分类:| 



1 at the market i can see 句型
market 最后一页观察细节 与shopping mall supermarket grocery store的区别
2 rex i like to句型
3 funny things look at 句型 带孩子看小丑表演夸张的动作利用家中材料玩角色扮演
wig clown

4 the baby animals come and see 句型
七种动物宝宝 复数名词和单数名词的区别
5 over the river we can see sb. go over(in)the river句型
七种动物 skunk 团团观察到fox时木头开始落渣 最后熊过塌
6 my big bear look at mybig bear. he has句型
熊的肢体特征 套在人身上 has和have的用法
7 making soup here is(are) for the soup句型
the和a的用法 让孩子看家长做汤的过程 对比
8 my family this is sb. sb.likes to句型
bake 亲属关系 几种运动或爱好
9 mouse mouse likes sth. she likes to eat sth.in bed. ,too句型
sandwich 几种食物 she 判断母 女 单数人称 动词加s
10 mop
情节故事性 训练狗 倒装句 did not 句型及过去时 he判断公
11 mom she is doing句型 fiction
12 dad 同11
dig paint hide
13 at the zoo nonfiction
we can see 动物 句型 见5
14 on the way to school 
i see sth.句型 同1
sign the的用法 最后一页提问细节
15 the park
i can see sth.句型 同14 1 最后一页细节
16 tom
tom can do句型 猫
17 017icanread
i can read(to)句型 最后myself用法 nonfiction
18 baby she is doing句型
19 playing dress up
i am a little 动物 句型
角色扮演 家庭故事
20 little cub
i am doing句型 老虎或猫拟人化 常见动作
21 my room i like sth.句型见2和9
小男孩的房间 宇航
22 the baby has句型 常见物品 见6
23 go sledding
look at my sth.句型 见3
mitten sled
24 making snowman
look at 句型 见23 3
stick scarf
25my lunch
here is句型 同7
lettuce napkin
26toys here is 句型 同25 7 fiction
happy birthday
27little things i have a little 句型
stove sink
28packing my bag i have 句型
toothbrush pajama
29setting the table here is句型 同26 25 7
fork napkin
30the flower
here is句型 同29 26 25 7 nonfiction
stem leaf
31 playing together we like to play with sth. 句型 nonfiction
32 polly fiction she likes 句型
33 at the farm
34 the sidewalk look at 句型 见3 23 fiction
35 the hat fiction went in the hat句型
动词过去时 附带举例三人narrator表演台词

36 the pet store here is 句型见30.29,26,25,7 nonfiction
37 going on a vacation we put sth.in the car句型
38 wheels nonfiction sth. has wheels句型
39 hiding sb.likes to hide under(in)sth.句型 fiction
40 the show come and see句型
41 hophophop fiction i can hhh 在不同的地方 句型
42 the puppet show i can see句型 fiction
ticket stage
43 rain look at 句型 见34,23,3 the rain is falling on sth.句型 见11 nonfiction
44 my baby sister look at句型
45 so big look at 句型 sth. is big句型
46 the parade look at 句型 fiction
47 fun at school 我们在学校做的一些活动
48 at school i like to do at school句型
49 my big brother
my big brother likes to 句型 fiction
50getting ready look at句型
cap bat
51 play and ride look at i can play(ride) with句型 little 和big对比
52 my bear i can do action with 句型
53what is very long this is here is 句型
hippopotamus beak trunk
54 the play here is 句型
55 our pets this is it is i like 句型
56 making a pizza here is 句型
pan dough sauce cheese pepperoni oven
57 a visit from aunt bee sb. is coming 句型及准备活动
58birds is doing句型 鸟类活动
59flap flap fly 围绕池塘鸭妈妈和鸭宝宝模仿 walk swim eat fly 有动词单复数
60 at the pond we can 句型 见池塘全景 类似此前的公园
61going on a train ride like can的运用 最后发现是模拟乘坐
62spots has的用法
63playing with blocks make sth. with sth. look at句型
tunnel 可以让孩子实践 引申弄巧成拙
64 drawing i can draw sth.句型
人物衣服颜色鲜艳 肢体结构合理 可以实际画一画
65helping look at us we can help 句型
rake 生活场景可以实践 最后一笑 帮忙吃冰激凌
66baking bake的用法 常见糕点 实际买来品尝 可以加上其他如多纳全圈 三明治
67out to play fiction 模拟母子对话
68 painting i can paint a sth.
69 animals that go fast this animal is sth. it can
70 things that go fast
sth. can go fast

亲你家孩子多大呀 感觉好像有点难
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