miss lazar, the janitor, likes to dance around the school with a mop! she has a secret room down in the basement where she keeps the bad kids! she says cleaning throw–up is fun! miss lazar is the weirdest custodian in the history of the world!miss lazar, the janitor, likes to dance around the school with a mop! she has a secret room down in the basement where she keeps the bad kids! she says cleaning throw–up is fun! miss lazar is the weirdest custodian in the history of the world!
音频:super wings:3集
junie. b_5 (chapter1-5)
one story a day(book10):0
oxford first dictionary:0页lynn10y_3.1
音频:super wings:3集
junie. b_5 (chapter1-5)
one story a day(book10):0
oxford first dictionary:0页
作为娃自主阅读的第一本原版章节书,虽然只看懂了个大概,但还是让我很高兴。书中幽默的情节也是促进娃自己读的重要因素之一。一些比较native的搞笑点,我自己也是研究了半天才搞清,比如chicken pox which is a dumb disease,一开始弄不明白dumb disease做何解,后来才搞清作者想要表达的是chicken pox(水痘)和🐔又没关系,作者又没碰过鸡,怎么还会得chicken pox,立刻理解dumb disease的意思,果然好笑