this book is all about the electricity is history the first scientist to give the start is thale make the pricing invention many scientists use their hard to build electricity now we have any electricity but we need to stop using that muchthis book is all about the electricity is history the first scientist to give the start is thale make the pricing invention many scientists use their hard to build electricity now we have any electricity but we need to stop using that much
《the odyssey》奥德赛带着他的军队和特洛伊战斗,回程时却迷失了方向,他们在海上流浪并且依托孤岛休整,并在这个过程中遇到了众多的怪兽及险峻的环境,而奥德赛成为了最后的幸存者(因为激怒了海王波塞冬)。辗转回国后,在雅典娜女神的帮助下,他终于又重新夺回了政权成为一国之主。故事改编的精炼,很多复杂的事件并没有详细叙述,重点在于描写奥德赛的历险过程和坚强而坚定求生回国的信念,呈现给小朋友一个英雄形象。适合小学中低年级阅读。
the firebird has a great start and a good ending, but the best thing i like is the illustration. okay, that's good. i like the music too, it's by igor stravinsky.
this is a cute ghost. it is not scary as the ghost in many movies. so the ghost start to learn to scare people. there is also a boy that helps it. they come into a scary room. the ghost is scared by itself in a mirror. finally, it become s...
east of the sun,and west of the moon 其实这个故事非常精彩,如果能改编成电影什么的,一定也不会比美女与野兽差啊。一只被施了魔咒的白熊其实是一个王子,一个贫穷但美丽勇敢的少女天涯海角寻找她的爱人。美好的故事总有流传千古的力量。我很喜欢这句话:for you are the girl who went to the ends of the earth for love.愿每个人都有这样一个爱人。
the incredible present 一个不可思议的生日礼物,可以有一个想什么就有什么的神奇袋子做生日礼物一定好棒吧,不过,事情可没这么顺利啊,这个袋子变出来的东西总是有那么一点不尽如人意,让好好的愿望成了负担,看来心想事成真不是件简单的事啊!不过好在,女孩希望爸爸妈妈回来陪伴这件事还是实现了,也算皆大欢喜吧。