from that day on,nola has been early for everything,2 minutes early though,not 2 hours .from that day on,nola has been early for everything,2 minutes early though,not 2 hours .
欧陆词典:the archerfish (spinner fish or archer fish) form a monotypic family,toxotidae, of fish known for their habit of preying on land-based insects and other small animals by shooting them down with water droplets from their spec...
里约热内卢( 葡萄牙语: rio de janeiro,意即“一月的河”)有时中译仅简称为里约(rio) ,是位于巴西东南部的一座城市,是巴西第二大城,仅次于圣保罗,面积1 ,256平方公里,人口6,094,183人 (2005年),曾经是葡萄牙帝国首都(1808年-1821年)风景优美,每年吸引大量游客到.此观光,市境内的里约热内卢港是世界三大天然良港之一-,而里约热内卢基督像也是世界新七大奇迹之一。里约热内卢于2009年10月2日,获得201 6年第31届夏季奥林匹克运动...
the peso (meaning weight in spanish, or more loosely pound) was a coin that originated in spain and became of immense importance internationally. peso is now the name of the monetary unit of several former spanish colonies.(欧陆词典)
mom didn' t like scary rides. my sister waited with my mom and pouted while dad and i went on the rides. i threw up , but they were the most fun i ' d had in my life! after washing my face, dad and i went on rid...
after some thought , the shapes agreed . they decided to work together to make shape island a better place . they also decided to explore the seas in their shipshape ship .
“ they are at a friend ' s farm ,” the farmer says . “ they are al getting new shoes .” “ wil they be back ?” lurk asks . “ not for a long time ,” the farmer says . 83
philadelphia (/ˌfɪləˈdɛlfiə/) is the largest city in the commonwealth of pennsylvania and the fifth-most populous in the united states, with an estimated population in 2014 of 1,560,297. in the northeastern united states, at th...