明天开始,读红火箭黄盒 牛津树探索1 my first story今天读完了牛1和培生亲子故事屋基础级~没有认字,就是当绘本bala完~感觉就是很低幼。似乎真是刷过去的。牛一的前几本还在认真做拓展,后面就放空自己随便讲了。还是打算要好好备课一下吧。牛津树后面还是要反复读的,毕竟人家主要用于认字的。毕竟大几千块呢~
明天开始,读红火箭黄盒 牛津树探索1 my first story
【牛1-19】【susan精读笔记】 l1-19 ice cream ●cover monkey, monkey, where are you? i'm buying some popcorn. popcorn? do you like popcorn better or ice cream better? ice cream, ice cream. yeah, today we are gonna read this book, the ice cream. look, t...
【牛1-19】ort l1-19 : the ice cream (oxford reading tree)(more first sentences c 1) 冰淇淋。在海滩。吃冰激凌。 ------ can i get an ice cream? yes, i can. come on, run to the ice cream van. i want the big one. look at that! look out, kipper! oh no! splat! -...