印第安人,官方称native ameican,他们的历史可谓悲惨,从前我们只是通过几部影视作品大致认识他们,看本书前我家小朋友还津津乐道迪士尼的《小马王》,《风中奇缘》,但是读完这本书心里是说不出的郁闷难过。这本书没有过多地渲染美洲印第安人的奇异风俗文化,而是紧跟一条线:印第安人争取生存,保留自己民族、文化的权利。书中有很多的战斗、和谈、签约,尤其后半册写到白人的金钱(更先进的生产力带来的生活变化)使年轻一代印第安人最后杀死英雄酋长。一只牧鸟给酋长的信息 one of you...
1、heathkit 无线电diy 2、hewlett-packard’s explorer club 惠普俱乐部 3、atari‘s pong 最早的电子游戏之一 4、steve‘s rdf(reality distortion field)🤔 5、1984 super bowl ad 6、joan baez & bob dylan 7、mona simpson:anyw...
who was寒假系列第二本,在这次寒假所选书里边难度算较低的,有一些电脑科技词汇,所提到的时间基本是我们熟悉的。看完整本书,对乔布斯也有比较全面的了解。 乔布斯无疑是一个成功的企业家,但是除此之外,他更让世人敬佩的是他改变了我们的生活。乔布斯的创业之路也并非一帆风顺,他在早期苹果成立之初通过苹果台式机一代二代取得了好成绩之后,连推几款产品都没能凑效,尤其是现在以时尚酷炫著称的mac机在当时也没能成功打开市场。这引起了董事会的不满,乔布斯被下台。以离开苹果之后陆续成立了其他几...
mother teresa,出生于阿尔巴尼亚,天主教传教士,在印度设立垂死之家(nirmal hriday), 1979年获诺贝尔和平奖,2003年被教皇约翰·保罗二世( pope john paul ii)被封为真福者(blessed teresa),2016年杯教皇方济各(pope francis)封圣(saint teresa)。
jesus is a miracle. a girl is dead, jesus pull her hang and said‘ wake up,little girl. and the girl came alive. on a party began, there is no wine, jesus told them to fill the jar with water, and give someone to drink, it become wine. he al...
儿子看完后,告诉我只能打三颗星,我大吃一惊,这个系列的书籍可从来没有让孩子这么失望过(who was charles dickens是表现比较失常的一本),于是我自己认真读了一下,也让孩子给我解释了一下,结果小朋友越讲越激动,坚持让我只打一颗星!主要问题是作者像是从很多书里找了一些内容,然后东拼西凑了这本书,作者明显对这段历史和文化都不熟悉,所以就出现了称shandong,hebei,shanxi为cities,在地名上一会儿用古代的称呼(例如金朝首都写作zhongdu中都,...
who was系列一直想推荐给孩子,第一本孩子选择了steve jobs,第二本就是带给孩子无数欢乐的walt disney了。这套书第一吸引孩子眼球的就是封底对人物的三个特点归纳,往往让人感到意外和惊奇,比如walt disney是一个喜欢表演笑话的男孩;他在第一次世界大战中在法国当救护车司机;他创造了mickey mouse!书中对人物的描述也是跌宕起伏,栩栩如生的,既展现了他的努力和成就,也会讲他的失败、挫折和不完美的个性,让孩子明白世界上没有完美的英雄。书中讲到wal...
this "who was" book told the readers about the life of the 32th president of the usa, a lot of people think he is one of the best president. why? for many reasons, like he had got polio when he was 39, he can't even walk or barely can't st...
this book talks mainly about steve jobs whole life ,i am very sad that steve passed away in 2011,when i am one year old.he passed away because of a deadly cancer which was in the stomach. but people now still remember him because he and his...
这本书讲了jefferson —美国第三任总统的一生。他生出来就在一个比较富裕的家庭,在成长的道路上他有了许多兴趣爱好,也长了许多知识。之后更是在政治场上表现出色,为美国人付出了许多,也在美国的众多方面为它改变了许多。翻开这本书你将领略thomas jefferson 的伟大的一生,伴他左右,与他共同成长!
martin luther king jr. was a freedom fighter and a preacher. i know that life is hard for the blacks all the time,even now. i just want everyone to be the same,but my teacher said to discriminate them like the whites.
martin luther king, jr. was a brave man who helped black and white people unite by doing silent protest. this book and the series of books are for grown-ups and children who are interested in national history.
this book talk about heinz. heinz was born in 1844. from the age of 10, he pushed a wheelbarrow full of fresh vegetables from street to street, and by the age of 16, he had become a small owner. this most elementary of operations led heinz ...
this book is about walton, the creator of wal-mart. he was born in a farm family. he sold newspaper every day after school in his childhood. he learn from his mother that not to hold back when things got tough. after the wwi, they moved t...
napoleon, as one of the history's greatest army commander was serving most of his life to france and gained the respect from everyone even in the enemy army. he was a commanding genius, but he did made some errors that destinated to make hi...