继续分享海尼曼gk亲子阅读扩展 -pg电子试玩

2020-4-9 06:45 原创 · 图片9



海尼曼系列丛书是一套非常经典的分级读物,全套书内容涵盖很广,以知识类为主,包括自然科学、人物、人文、地理等等。它的系统比较简单,分为三个级别:gk、g1和g2,gk系列,即橙色体系,一共70本书,分为level a,level b和level c三个级别,非常适合启蒙阶段的孩子阅读。全书采用实景和手绘图片,文字和图片分开,一般文字在左,图片在右。句子简单,重复率高,适合启蒙。

前面我们已经精读讲解了两个句型:i can see...和i like...,现在我们要进入一个新的句型:here is....

我们一起来看看level a里面的第29本:setting the table,这本书讲的是一个小哥哥在吃饭之前摆放餐具,他都放了什么餐具呢?我们一起去看看吧~


mm: hi honey, dinner is almost ready, how about we set the table now? 嗨宝贝,晚饭快好啦,我们现在去摆桌子吧?

bb: well, i do not know how to set the table. what can we do now? 可是我不知道怎么摆桌子呀。该怎么办呢?

mm: oh, i remember that we have a book about setting the table, let's read to see how to set the table, ok? 啊,我想起来啦,我们有一本书是关于摆放桌子,我们一起读一读看看到底怎么摆桌子好不好呀?

mm: look at the front cover, wow, i can see a boy wearing a red shirt and he is holding a spoon and a napkin. 先来看看封面吧。哇,我看到一个穿着红色衬衫的男孩,一手拿着勺子,一手拿着餐巾纸。

mm: for this boy, he will need a spoon to eat, i wonder what else he needs. what do you use to eat? 这个男孩吃饭的时候要用到勺子,我在想他还会用到什么呢?那么你吃饭的时候会用到什么呢?


mm: here is the mat. 

mm: this is a mat. do you know he needs a mat for his meal? 这是个餐垫。那你知道他吃饭为啥需要一个餐垫么?

can you see what is under the mat? it's a green table cloth. when you eat, you might spill some, say soup, on the table cloth. so you can use a mat to catch the spill, and the table cloth will remain clean. 你看到餐垫的下面是什么了么?是一个绿色的桌布。吃饭的时候呢,有可能挥洒出来,比如汤会溅出来,这个时候就可以用一个餐垫来接住洒出来的汤,这样呢,桌布就可以保持清洁啦。

mm: can you see what shape the mat is? and what colors the mat has? 你能看出来这个餐垫是什么形状的么?上面都有什么颜色呀?

bb: it is rectangle. i can see many different colors on it, reed, green, yellow, light blue, and grey.

mm: we can make a colorful mat using paper and markers, and you can pick your favorite colors, ok? 我们可以用纸和马克笔画一个彩色的餐垫,你可以选择自己最喜欢的颜色,好么?


mm: here is the napkin.

mm: what color is the napkin? what shape is it? 这个餐纸是什么颜色的呀?什么形状的呀?

bb: the napkin is yellow and square.

mm: can you find our tissue paper? what color is it? 你能找到我们的纸巾么?我们的纸巾是什么颜色的呀?

mm: let's find something yellow in our room, and we will find it and sing it out, ok?

mm: i see something yellow, yellow bananas, yellow flowers, yellow sweater, yellow, yellow, yellow.(参考i see something red这首儿歌噢)


mm: here is the plate.

mm: the boy is putting a plate on the mat. what color and shape is the plate? 男孩正在把盘子放在餐垫上。盘子是什么颜色的呀?什么形状的呀?

bb: the plate is white and round. 白色哒,圆形哒。

mm: let's go find our plate in the kitchen, and them we can draw a plate with your favorite color. 我们去厨房里找个盘子好不好?等下我们还可以用你最喜欢的颜色画一个盘子呢。

mm: (找一个鱼形的盘子或者图片给宝宝看) look honey, i found a special plate, a very very special plate, it is not round. 快看,宝贝,我找到一个特别的盘子,一个非常非常特别的盘子,这个盘子不是圆哒。

mm: ta~da~, it is fish-shaped. wow, what an amazing plate. 当当,这个是个鱼形的盘子,哇,好神奇呀。


mm: here is the knife.

mm: wow, the boy needs the knife to cut meat, when will you use a knife? 哇,这个小哥哥呢要用刀子去切肉。你什么时候会用到刀子呢?

mm: we can use a knife to peel the fruit skin, or cut the vegetables or fruit. 我们可以用刀子削水果皮,切菜或者切水果。

mm: i can do tricks with my finger, do you want to see it? i can turn my finger into a knife. 我可以用手指变魔术噢,你想不想看一看?我可以把手指变成一把小刀。

咒语如下:one finger one finger turn turn turn, turn to a knife, cut, cut, cut.



mm: here is the fork.

mm: the boy uses a fork to eat, what do you use to eat noodles? 

mm: we use chopsticks to eat noodles. 我们用筷子吃面条呀。

mm: how many chopsticks do you use to eat noodles? 吃面的时候需要用几根筷子呀?

bb: two, i need two chopsticks to eat noodles. 两根。

mm: look, where does he put the fork? 你看,小哥哥把叉子放哪里呀?

bb: he puts the fork on the napkin. 放在餐纸上啦。

mm: can you put the chopsticks on the tissue paper? can you put the chopsticks under the tissue paper? 你能把筷子放在餐巾纸上么?你能放在餐纸下面么?

(放在餐纸下面之后问) oh, where did the chopsticks go? did they just dissappear? i cannot find them. can you help me find them? 哦,筷子去哪里了呀?难道消失了么?我找不到啦,你能帮我找到它们么?


mm: here is the spoon.

mm: we usually use a spoon to eat soup. 通常我们都会用勺子来喝汤。

mm: what a lovely hot day today! go get your spoon and let's pretend to eat ice cream with your spoon, ok? 今天真热呀!去拿你的勺子,我们来假装吃冰淇淋好不好?

mm: how does it taste? mmm, the ice cream tastes so cool, so yummy and so sweet. 吃起来怎么样?嗯,凉凉的,甜甜的,美味极了。

mm: while you are eating the ice cream, i'll sing a funny song about spoon and plate, ok? 在你吃冰淇淋的时候,妈妈给你唱一首好玩的歌,跟勺子和盘子有关的,好么?

歌名叫:hey, diddle diddle   歌词如下:

hey diddle diddle

the cat and the fiddle

the cow jumped over the moon

the little dog laughed to see such fun

and the dish run away with the spoon.


mm: here is the glass.

mm: what do you use a glass for? 你会用杯子来做什么呢?

bb: i will use a glass to drink water and milk. 用来喝水和喝牛奶呀。

mm: carefully tap the glass, plate and the table with the chopsticks, you can make music. 轻轻地敲一敲杯子,盘子和桌子,可以创造音乐哦。

mm: i will play a song, you want to have a try?我来放一首歌,你要来试一下么?


mm: here is the table.

mm: wow, now we've finished setting the table. can you see how many sets of utensils there are on the table? 哇,我们把餐具摆放完毕啦。你能看到桌子上有几套餐具么?

mm: let's count together, one, two, three. 我们一起来数一数吧。

mm: now let's play another game. i ask "where is the plate", and you will point and answer, ok? 现在我们来玩个游戏吧?我问,你来指并回答。(比如:盘子在哪里呀?)



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