我家主线是raz,目前初步刷完e。进入g1难度陡增,不敢给娃刷的太快,总觉得很多地方还没吸收消化,需要加强巩固。这不就入了raz的黄金搭档——牛津树,oxford reading tree biff, chip and kipper stories系列.
想着已经有一定的基础,直接从stage 3开始读,一来借机复习巩固下平行的词汇,二来读读fiction给娃英语启蒙增加点趣味。本想着按照raz的节奏,一天刷个10本。结果没想到长期习惯和浸淫美式英语的老母亲,竟然一上来就有点水土不服……不管是词汇、惯用表达还是英式幽默,都让英语专八的我觉得不提前做点功课真是力不从心啊。所以特开此贴,做一点简单的记录吧。
牛3一共42本,顾名思义,就是围绕着biff, chip和kipper小朋友一家的故事呗。这不半路出家,老母亲我看了好几本才勉强把人物对号入座。。。这42本书也是分体系的,基本6本为一个组合,具体如下:
1-6 first sentences
7-12 stories
13-18 more stories a
19-24 more stories b
25-30 sparrows consolidation & breadth 这部分好像是支线故事?
31-36 decode and develop
37-42 more a decode and develop
3-1 the duck race
got stuck in the reeds/weeds: reeds芦苇,weeds杂草、野草
six soggy ducks: unpleasantly wet湿乎乎的
3-2 sniff
be worn out: extremely tired, exhausted精疲力尽的
3-3 pond dipping
pram: 婴儿车
pond dipping: an excellent activity for children of all ages and is a great way to introduce them to a wide range of plants, insects and amphibians(水陆两栖动物). it also offers an opportunity to learn about food chains and food webs as well as discovering variations in lifecycles and the effects of pollution on aquatic life(水生生物).
3-4 the ice rink
ice rink:=skating rink溜冰场
sit down with a bump: 砰的一声坐下
banana skin: =banana peel香蕉皮
3-5 the mud bath
run a bath: 放洗澡水
3-6 the steel band
steel band: a band of people who play music on special metal drums. steel bands started in the west indies钢鼓乐队
3-7 on the sand
go-carts: 卡丁车
be cross (with sb.):=be angry 生气
3-8 the egg hunt
egg hunt: 寻彩蛋(一种复活节游戏)
3-9 nobody wanted to play
juggler: 玩杂耍的人,通常是抛接球
stuntman: 特技表演者,特技表演替身(这个词是我上大学才学到的,至今印象深刻,没想到在牛3就出现了……)
3-10 a cat in the tree
开车出发系列第一辑: 快跑, 云梯消防车29057人有 · 评价16412 · 书评166
3-11 the rope swing
rope swing摇摆秋千
3-12 by the stream
frogman: 蛙人,潜水员(算是一语双关么?)
3-13 kipper the clown
put on a circus: 表演马戏
be fed up (with): =have enough of 对……感到厌烦的
3-14 strawberry jam
pick-your-own: 就是自己摘草莓摘水果,这个好理解哈
traffic jam: 本身是“交通阻塞/堵车”的意思,这里的jam又是个pun(一语双关),被汽车压出来的果酱?这个跟娃解释起来也有点费劲哈
3-15 the jumble sale
jumble sale: a sale of cheap used goods that is usually held to raise money for charity义卖,美剧里经常有
spring-clean: v. to clean (a house) thoroughly: traditionally at the end of the winter 这个raz中也有,就是大扫除的意思,冬季大扫除迎接春天嘛?所以叫spring clean不是winter clean?倒是跟中国春节前大扫除有异曲同工之妙呢
3-16 at the seaside
burn down: be completely destroyed by fire 烧毁
3-17 kipper's idea
3-18 the snowman
3-19 the barbecue
3-20 the carnival 狂欢节/嘉年华
trailer: 小拖车
carnival float: 嘉年华花车/彩车
这本最后我也是没看懂,是跟裁判夫妇合影嘛?为啥没有爸爸扮演的old lady?
3-21 at the pool
swimming trunk: 泳裤
3-22 bull's-eye
hit a bull's-eye: 射中靶心,可以引申为“一语中的、正中目标”
3-23 book week
家里有“the very hungry catepillar”的正好可以跟这本一起看哈
1,5级eric carle the very hungry caterpillar21694人有 · 评价13551 · 书评288
3-24 the cold day
3-25 midge in hospital
3-26 ray and the budgie
budgie: 虎皮鹦鹉,相思鹦鹉
3-27 pip at the zoo
peck her finger: 啄食
3-28 joe and the bike
speedway: a special track for car or motorcycle racing. (汽车或摩托车的)赛车跑道;the sport of racing motorcycles on special tracks. (在特殊跑道上进行的)摩托车赛
3-29 midge and the eggs
3-30 pip and the little monkey
3-31 floppy and the puppets
3-32 monkeys on the car
safari park: a large enclosed area of land where wild animals, such as lions and elephants, live freely. people can pay to drive through the park and look at the animals. 野生动物园,zoo的范畴更广些
stop in the car: =stay in the car
lion cub: a young wild animal such as a lion, wolf, or bear. (狮子、狼、熊等的) 幼仔
pull the wipers off: 雨刮、雨刷,一开始娃想不出来wipers是啥,唱了两句“the wheels on the bus”终于想起来了,sss真是一生推哈
2级the wheels on the bus15557人有 · 评价10854 · 书评254
3-33 dragons
wigwams: a native american tent, similar to a . (土著美洲人的)茅屋; 同tepee,印第安人梯皮帐篷,正好在《亲亲科学图书馆-印第安人》里面讲过这种帐篷
jig: a lively dance吉格舞
3-34 the enormous picture
a bit/bits of: 一点,少量,英国人bit用的还挺多的
enormous: extremely large in size or amount. 巨大的
3-35 gran and the go-karts
kit:装备,后面green sheets那本有pe kit,就是运动装备
3-36 helicopter rescue
cockpit: the part where the pilot or driver sits. (飞行员或赛车手的) 座舱,驾驶舱
winch: 绞车、绞盘
call-out: 召集令
3-37 king of the castle
moat: 护城河
turret: 炮塔
coach: 长途大巴,第一反应是教练,后来想想就是轻奢品牌
3-38 bug hunt
peckish: slightly hungry. 有点饿的
3-39 mister haggis
chatter: talk quickly and continuously, usually about things which are not important. 喋喋不休地说 (不重要的事)
3-40 a walk in the sun
shear its coat: cut the wool off 剪羊毛; an animal's coat is the fur or hair on its body. (动物的) 皮毛
shed: a small building that is used for storing things such as garden tools. (用于存放园艺工具等的) 棚屋
barn: a building on a farm in which animals, animal food, or crops can be kept. 谷仓; 牲口房
beech tree: 山毛榉树
oak tree: 橡树
3-41 green sheets
washing: n. a collection of clothes, sheets, and other things that are waiting to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed. 待洗的衣物; 正在洗的衣物; 刚洗了的衣物
3-42 road burner
zoom: go very quickly 疾行,raz里面也有哈
do sb a good turn: =help sb
码字的功夫,娃就跑进书房跟老母亲说“麻麻,我想看oxford reading tree”了。今天还没看,看来无形中已经上瘾了。牛津树就是引人入胜的小说,而raz感觉更像是一板一眼的教科书和习题(捂脸……)我是该为娃喜欢牛津树高兴呢还是该为娃可能会因此讨厌raz而担忧呢……