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继续海尼曼gk双语精读分享:my room -pg电子试玩

2020-3-10 09:23 原创 · 图片9


海尼曼系列丛书是一套非常经典的分级读物,全套书内容涵盖很广,以知识类为主,包括自然科学、人物、人文、地理等等。它的系统比较简单,分为三个级别:gk、g1和g2,gk系列,即橙色体系,一共70本书,分为level a,level b和level c三个级别,非常适合启蒙阶段的孩子阅读。全书采用实景和手绘图片,文字和图片分开,一般文字在左,图片在右。句子简单,重复率高,适合启蒙。

今天我们一起来看看level a里面的第21本:my room,这本书的句型是i like ...(我喜欢...东西),这本书讲的一个小哥哥欢迎你去参观他的房间,他要跟你介绍房间里面他喜欢的东西,我们一起去看看吧~


本书句型:i like sth. 我喜欢...东西


1. bed: 床

make the bed 铺床,整理床铺

——honey, would you please help me make the bed? 宝贝,你可以帮我铺床么?

2. books: 书,书籍

——i like books about the space. 我喜欢有关太空的书。

3. lamp:

bedside lamp床头灯

switch on/turn off a lamp开/关灯

street lamp路灯

4. chair: 椅子

5. toys: 玩具,玩偶

6. picture: 图片,照片,画

7. bear: 熊,泰迪熊

8. room: 房间,房子


look, i can see a boy on the front cover. 看封面,上面有个男孩。

what do you think his name is? how about we call him kevin? 你觉得他叫什么名字呢?我们叫他kevin怎么样?(赋予书里的人物以宝宝的名字,这个方法通常会引起宝宝的兴趣哦)

let's say hello to kevin: hello kevin. 跟故事的主人公打招呼。

look, he is standing at the door with one hand on thedoorknob, what do you think he wants to do? 你看,他站在门口,一只手搭在门把手上,你觉得他想做什么呢?

i think he wants you to meet his room. 我觉得他想让你去他的屋里看看。

the title of the book is my room. maybe he is saying: welcome to my room, please come on in. 欢迎来我的房间看看,快进来。

看完封面就可以带着宝宝玩一个假装游戏,走到屋外,假装自己是主人公,邀请宝宝进去参观,用上这样的句子:hello honey, this is my room. welcome to my room, please come on in, i will show you around. (参考译文:亲爱的宝贝你好呀,这是我的房间哦。欢迎来我的房间,快进来吧,我要带你参观参观。) 熟悉之后可以互换角色。


i like my bed. 

now we can see kevin's bed, right? he is sitting on the bed, and pointing to the bed. 现在我们可以看到kevin的床了,对吧?他现在正坐在床上,用手指着自己的床。(关键名词可以多多重复哦)

look at thesheet, i can see the blue sky, stars, as well as many other planets. i bet kevin likes the space very much. 快看他的床单,我可以看到蓝天,星星,还有很多行星。我敢肯定,kevin肯定特别喜欢太空。

what's on our sheet? 我们的床单上有什么呢?(引导宝宝观察自己家床上的床单有什么花色)

what can you play on the bed? i can jump, i can walk, i can even swim on the bed. 在床上可以做什么呢?我可以跳,可以走,甚至还可以游泳。(动静结合:各种动啊,跳啊,玩啊都可以哦,怎么搞笑怎么来,怎么能让孩子笑怎么来)


mm: i like my books. 

观察图片,now kevin is sitting on the floor with two books in his hand, he wants to introduce the books that he likes. 现在kevin坐在地板上,手里拿了两本书,他想要跟你介绍他喜欢的书。

we are right, he sure does like the space. look, his books are about the space, the books are about moon, star and earth. 我们说对啦,他确实超级喜欢太空啊。你看,他的书都是关于太空的,有关于月球的,星星的,还有地球的。

就月亮和星星开问:when can you see the moon and stars? when can you see the sun? 你什么时候可以看见月亮和星星呢?什么时间可以看到太阳呢?

we can see the moon and stars at night, and we can see the sun in the day. 晚上见到月亮和星星,白天见到太阳。

用颜料画太阳和地球,或者月亮和星星。do you want to paint the sun / the moon and stars?


1. we can paint the back of this paper plate with green paint and use it as the earth, and glue it on a piece of black construction paper.


2. then we can cut the moon and stars out of yellow and white paper, and then glue them on the black paper. 


3. look, we've made the moon, stars and the earth. 你看,我们做出来月亮,星星和地球。


i like my lamp.

看图片,now kevin comes to the table and points to the lamp on it. 现在呢,kevin来到桌子边,指着上面的台灯。

what can you see on thelampshade? how about thelamp stand?灯罩上面是什么呀?底座呢?

i can see the blue skydecarated withshiny stars on the lampshade, and the lamp stand is a blue rocket. 灯罩上有星星点缀的天空,底座是一艘火箭。

wow, i love rockets, rockets can zoom into the sky. 哇,我超级喜欢火箭呢,火箭可以嗖地飞上天。

i know a song about rocket, do you want to hear it? 我会唱一首火箭的歌哦,你想听么?

歌名:i'm a little rocket


i'm a little rocket in the sky,

whirling around, then watch me fly! (护住宝宝腋下抱起转圈圈)

when i'm getting ready then you'll know,

it's 3-2-1 blast off! up i go! (把宝宝高高举起到头顶,就像火箭发射一样)

注:这首歌的旋律同i'm a little teapot。


i like my chair.

now kevin is roking a chair. what can you see on the chair? 现在kevin在摇一把椅子呢。在椅子上你能看到什么?

i can see the moon and stars on the chair. 椅子上有月亮和星星。

how about we sing the song of twinkle twinkle little star. 我们来唱《小行星》好不好?


i like my toys. 

what toys does kevin like to play with? kevin喜欢玩什么玩具呢?

he likes to play with toys spaceships. 他喜欢玩具宇宙飞船。

other than the toy spaceship in his hands, we can also see two orange rockets with little spaceships.那么除了他手里的那艘玩具宇宙飞船之外呢,他还有两个橙色的火箭,上面还有小的宇宙飞船呢。

do you know where can you see a spaceship? 你知道宇宙飞船在哪里运行么?

in the space, of course. 当然是在太空里啦。

great, then do you know where can you see a boat? how about a plane? how about a bus? 好,那么你知道船在哪里航行么?飞机呢?公交车呢?(让孩子联想其他交通工具的工作地点)

a boat sails on the sea, a plane flies in the sky and a bus goes on the road. 船在海上航行,飞机在天上飞,车在路上跑。


i like my picture.

this is a picture. what can you see in the picture? 这是一张图片。图片上有什么呀?

i can see an astronaut wearing spacesuit, and he is landing on a planet.  图片上有一位穿着太空服的宇航员,他正降落在一个星球上。

yes, and this planet has the color of blue and it looks like our planet-the earth. 是呢,这个星球是蓝色的,看起来很像我们的地球呢。

can you see the black sky decorated with stars? when will the sky become black? 你看到星星点缀的黑色的天空了么?天空什么时候是黑色的呢?

yes, i can see the black sky, and when the moon comes up, when the night comes, the sky will be black. 月亮出来,晚上的时候,天空就是黑色的了。


i like my bear.

kevin also has a teddy bear, look, he is putting his bear on his head. kevin也有一个泰迪熊啊,你看,他把泰迪熊放在头顶呢。

wait, the bear looks very different, what's special about it? 哎等等,这个泰迪熊看起来不一样啊,有什么特别之处呢?

usually a teddy bear does not wear any clothes, or wear normal clothes, but this bear is wearing a blue spacesuit. 通常泰迪熊不穿衣服,或者穿普通的衣服,但是kevin的泰迪熊穿了一身蓝色的太空服。

ah, i see, he likes everyithing related to the space, right? 我明白了,他是喜欢关于太空的一切啊。

what clothes does your teddy bear wear? a dress? t-shirt and pants? or a tuxido?那你的泰迪熊穿的什么样的衣服呢?裙子么?t恤 裤子么?还是燕尾服呢?


i like my room!

this is kevin's room. wow, we can see so many things in his bedroom, right? 这个就是kevin的房间啦。哇,他的房间里有好多东西啊。

how about we play a "i spy" game?我们来玩一个"我发现"游戏怎么样?

i'll go first. i spy with my little eye that has words on it and that we can read. what is it? 我先来。我用我的小眼睛看到一个东西,上面有字,我们还可以读,请问是什么?

it's a book. 是书。

这个"i spy"的游戏在国外非常流行,甚至还有相关的书籍,国内引进的也有,比如视觉大发现,这类书籍可以经常拿来玩哦,不仅可以提高宝宝的专注力,还能复习听说词汇,一举多得哦。

ok, let's thank kevin for welcoming us to his room and say "goodbye" to him. 好啦,我们谢谢kevin邀请我们参观他的房间吧,跟他再见吧~




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