maisy第一次系列我们两姐妹都挺喜欢!年初跟着gaga好价入手了一套,太值了*^o^*读这个系列,娃需要生活经验打底,个人感觉适合有一定英语和阅读基础的娃- ̗̀(๑ᵔ⌔ᵔ๑) 周末一起去图书馆还书,读这本maisy goes to the library吧!书里提到了“there was an old woman who swallowed a fly…”可以把child's play里这册童谣绘本找出来一起看,加上maisy这集library动画片……很好的阅读体验哦
1、maisy is packing her blue bag to go to the seaside. pack bags 打包行李 unpack 把行李都拿出来 2、火车旅行: the station is so busy. 人很多。airport / road / store. 可以用busy的场景 puff puff ! the train pulls away from the platfor...
sentence patterns:that was a great lesson. up the steps we go. it's much more fun than… key words:learn to do sth,goggles,underwater diver,changing room,swimsuit,dip into,freezing,doesn't mind,warm up,wiggle,lift arms into the air,hold on,f...
scrummy = scrumptious yummy 好吃 scrummy/美味的 one of the more delightful british slang terms in this list, ‘scrummy’ is used as a wonderfully effusive term for when something is truly delicious and mouth-wateringly good. 这是英式俚语列表中令人感到开心的词之一...
maisy是我家孩儿最爱的绘本人物,虽然我真是搞不懂这个一见钟情是怎么发生的,但是有maisy出马,再疑难的情况都可以凑合应对啦,所以妈妈们一定要在绘本中找到这样一个好帮手呀。 圣诞节就要到了,maisy的平安夜是怎么度过的呢?还有她的那些朋友们呢?这本书都告诉你啦。 总体讲,maisy的书特别简单,适合低幼宝宝或者英语启蒙的孩子,重复性很强,富有节奏感,又有很多可以或形象或夸张的表演之处,比如eddie被困在雪中,大家喊着one two three pull or push...
sentence patterns:he's ever so nice. key words:wobbly,frightened,dentist,waiting room,fall out,take an x-ray photo of,rinse and spit the mouthwash,smiley badge,wibble,all the way home,tissue,tooth fairy
set off to go camping find perfect place to make a camp pitch a tent fall down->stay up what a big tent! there's room for everyone. mind the tent pegs make room for xx , move up