继续分享海尼曼gk亲子双语精读 -pg电子试玩

2020-3-18 15:23 原创 · 图片9


海尼曼系列丛书是一套非常经典的分级读物,全套书内容涵盖很广,以知识类为主,包括自然科学、人物、人文、地理等等。它的系统比较简单,分为三个级别:gk、g1和g2,gk系列,即橙色体系,一共70本书,分为level a,level b和level c三个级别,非常适合启蒙阶段的孩子阅读。全书采用实景和手绘图片,文字和图片分开,一般文字在左,图片在右。句子简单,重复率高,适合启蒙。

今天我们一起来看看level a里面的第48本:at school,这本书的句型是i like to do...(我喜欢做...),这本书讲的一个小哥哥向我们介绍他在学校喜欢做的事,也就是我们的宝宝们在学校里会进行的一些活动哦,我们一起去看看吧~


本书句型:i like to do... 我喜欢做...


1. read: 读书

read a book 读书


娃:mom, would you please read books to me? 妈妈,你可以读书给我听么?

妈:honey, it's reading time now, go get your favorite books. 宝贝,读书时间到啦,去拿一些最喜欢的书来吧。

2. write: 写


——what are you writing?

——i'm writing abc.

3. build: 搭建

——let's build a castle with the building blocks.

——do you want to build a sandcastle?

4. cut: 剪刀

——cut the paper into a circle.

5. draw: 画画

——let's draw a river using green crayon.

6. paint: 颜料,用颜料画画

娃:look at this, i painted a house.

7. play: 玩

妈:it's raining outside, so we cannot go outside to play.

8. school: 学校


honey, now you are too little to go to school, but someday when you are older, you will. 宝贝,现在你还太小不能上幼儿园,但是以后你长大一点,就可以去啦。

today we will go to visit king elementary with this big brother to see what we can do at school, ok? i am so curious about that. 今天我们先跟着这个小哥哥去他的学校参观一下,看看在学校里面都有哪些活动好不好?我真的好想知道呢~(引起宝宝的兴趣)

let's read this book in a different way. let's pretend that i am this big brother, and this is my school, and i will show you around, ok? 今天呢,我们要用不同的方式来读这本书。假装我是这个大哥哥,这里是我的学校,我来带你参观怎么样?


ok, are you ready to go? oh, wait, how would you like to go? by bus or in our car? 好啦,你准备出发了么?哎,等等等等,你想怎么去呢?坐公车还是妈妈开车呢?


here we are. look, this is my school. can you see the big crayons? they are pillars. let's count how many there are. 1, 2, 3, 4, wow, there are four crayon pillars. 我们到啦。你看,这就是我的学校哦。你看到那些个大大的蜡笔了么?那可是柱子哦。我们一起数一数有几个好不好。1,2,3,4,哇,竟然有4根蜡笔柱子啊。

(认识颜色的宝宝,可以采用提问的方式问蜡笔的颜色,不认识颜色宝宝,可以由妈妈描述出来)this is green crayon, trees and leaves are green. 树和叶子是绿色的。

this is blue crayon, just like the color of the sky. 天空是蓝色的。

this is red crayon, strawberries are red. 草莓是红色的。

this is yellow crayon, like the color of bananas.香蕉是黄色的。


come on, let's go inside, listen, the school bell is ringing. 走吧,我们进去吧,你听,打铃啦。


now we are in the classroom. look at me, i am reading a book. 现在我们来到教室里啦。你看我,我在读书哦。

i like to read at school. 在学校我喜欢读书。

i can point to the words when i'm reading. can you try it? can you find the word "like"? 读书的时候我可以指着书上的字,你要不要试下?你能找到"like"这个单词么?

that's great, you found it. high five. 太赞啦,你找到啦,来击个掌吧~


now let's look at the classroom wall, we can see some letters, right? both capital letters and lower case letters. 我们来看下教室的墙面,上面有字母,对吧?大小写字母都有呢。

how about we sing the alphabet song? 我们一起来唱字母歌好不好?

字母歌首推a is for apple这首,因为里面包含了以该字母开头的单词,以及该字母的短音发音。


i like to write at school. 在学校我喜欢写字。

let's go find a notebook/a piece of paper and a pencil/pen, we can try writing something. 我们去找个笔记本/一张纸,一根铅笔/笔,然后可以试着写点东西。

look, i can write the numbers, i can write a 1, and 2 and 3, and i can also write letters, a, b, c. now yougive it a try. 你看,我可以写数字哦,1,2,3,我还可以写字母哦,a, b, c,现在你来试下好不好?


i like to build at school.

看图:i can build a big castle with wooden blocks. 我可以用积木搭一个城堡。

想象:this castle is on a huge and high mountain, and living in the castle were king and queen, they had a very pretty daughter who likes very much sleeping, so she was called "sleeping beauty". 这个城堡呢建立在一座又大又高的山上,城堡里面住着国王和王后,他们有个很漂亮的女儿,她特别喜欢睡觉,大家叫她"睡美人"。(任何跟城堡有关的故事都可以哈,大家随意发挥。)


go get your building blocks, we are going to build a tower with them. 去拿你的积木吧,我们来搭一个高楼。

here is a red block, i will put it here. 这是个红色积木,我把它放在这。

here is a blue block, and it will go here.

here is another red one, and it goes on top of the blue one. 这也是红色积木,我要把它放在蓝色的上面。

look at my tower, it is going up and up. 看我搭的楼,越来越高啦。

look, how high it is! 你看,好高啊!

now, i'm going to huff and puff and blow it down. 现在我要把它吹倒咯。

let's blow together. oh, down came my tower. 我们一起来吹吧。噢,楼塌了。


cut, cut, cut. i like to cut at school. 剪剪剪,在学校我喜欢剪东西。

what do you use to cut things? scissors. 剪东西要用到什么呀?剪刀

look, can you see what color are the scissors in the picture?  问颜色,请注意剪刀要用复数噢。

the scissors are blue. 蓝色哒

look honey, i can do tricks with my fingers. i can turn my fingers into scissors. ok, open your eyes wide and watch closely, 1, 2, 3, abracadabra, scissors. 宝贝你看,我可以用的手指头变魔术,我能把用手指头变出来剪刀。请睁大眼睛,看仔细咯,1,2,3,变变变,剪刀。

can you turn your fingers into scissors? that's great. how about we play "rock, scissors, paper"? 你可以把你的手指变成剪刀么?厉害,我们玩"手头剪刀布" 怎么样?


i like to draw at school. 

i can draw a star with white crayon, i can draw a cat with brown crayon. 我能用白色蜡笔画一个星星,用棕色蜡笔画一只猫咪。

let's cut them out, shall we? 我们把他们剪出来,好么?look, the cat just ran off the paper. 你看,猫咪从纸里面跑出来了。


i like to paint at school.

to paint, we will need a can of paint and a paint brush as well. 要画画,需要用到一桶颜料和一个颜料刷。

look at the picture, what is the big brother painting? 图片上,这个小哥哥在画什么呢?

he is painting a green tree right now. 他正在画一棵绿树呢。

what else has he painted? 他还画了什么呢?

he has also painted the sun, a house with two windows as well as cloud. 他还画了太阳,有两扇窗户的房子,还有云朵。

would you like to paint with the paint? which color would you like to use? 你想不想要用颜料画画呀?你想用什么颜色呢?

can you find red paint? 你能找到红色颜料么?

dip your finger into the red paint, and we are gonna sing a song. 把手指在红色颜料里面蘸一下,我们要来唱首歌咯。

red finger, red finger, where are you?

here i am, her i am, how do you do?

调调同finger family相同。


i like to play at school.

look at the big brother, what is he playing? 小哥哥在玩什么呢?

he is hanging on the rings. 他在吊吊环。

now suppose my hands are two rings, hold my hands and hang. 现在我们来假装我的两只手是两个吊环,抓紧我的手,吊起来。

now what else would you like to play? how about hide-and-seek. i will be the seeker and you go hide. i will count to ten, 1, 2,...10, ready or not, here i come. 现在你还想玩什么游戏呢?我们玩捉迷藏怎么样?我来找,你来藏。我要数到10咯,1,2,3,...,准备好啦,我要来找你咯。


i like school.

wow, we can do so many things at school. and we can also do a lot of stuff at home. 哇,在学校我们可以做这么多事情。在家里也可以做很多事噢。

i like home. home, sweet home. 我喜欢家。甜蜜的家哟。


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