a warm, hilarious, witty and very personal tribute to dad (and to dads everywhere) by the ever-brilliant and inventive anthony browne.
‘ he’s all right, my dad. he’s as strong as a gorilla and happy as a hippopotamus. he’s a great dancer, a brilliant singer, he’s fantastic at football and he makes me laugh. a lot. but that’s not all that’s great about my dad. ’-- from the trade paperback edition.a warm, hilarious, witty and very personal tribute to dad (and to dads everywhere) by the ever-brilliant and inventive anthony browne.
‘ he’s all right, my dad. he’s as strong as a gorilla and happy as a hippopotamus. he’s a great dancer, a brilliant singer, he’s fantastic at football and he makes me laugh. a lot. but that’s not all that’s great about my dad. ’-- from the trade paperback edition.
a book for sons and daughters of all ages especially for dads. 通过简单朴实的语言和精心设计的排比句式,用孩子的口吻和眼光来描绘一位既强壮又温柔的爸爸,不仅样样事情都在行、给孩子十足的安全感,还温暖得像太阳一样。 从一个小男孩的角度看他的爸爸,他眼里的爸爸是无所不能的。我想,每个孩子,在他幼年的时候,都会对爸爸有着很不一般的崇敬之情。在这本书里安东尼布朗以他一贯的幽默风趣,对最最平凡的英雄人物--父亲--致敬。借着...
爸爸系列的书儿子都喜欢,自己拿到这书会说my dad,my mum……常常拿起来要读。2017.4.5今天儿主动拿起的一本书,问他是不是想爸爸了,他点点头,问我爸爸怎么还没回来。封面一个大嘴巴爸爸,妈妈“does your dad have a big mouth ”儿“no,我爸爸嘴巴小”(才怪😂)标题页有个和爸爸睡衣一样的面包,读到后环衬时,也有爸爸睡衣得图案,妈“what does it look like?”"cake "([馋嘴]还是吃的印象深[可爱])书中有一页...
昨天刚买的书,孩子一看到这本书,就和我说爸爸爸爸,这本书虽然用了拟人化的夸张手法,但孩子还是通过格子衣服明白不管画面是什么动物,都是在讲爸爸,孩子最喜欢的一页就daft as a brush,平时她也最喜欢跟着爸爸一起做卫生,爸爸拖地,她装模作样扫地,她一看到那页就跑去拿来扫帚学书上那样举着哈哈笑,孩子很喜欢这本书,午觉前要看书,就穿个秋衣秋裤在被窝的她,听我读到那一页,又下床去拿扫帚,搞得我都有点害怕读这页,担心着凉跑来跑去,哈哈,我最喜欢的一页是讲到爸爸跳舞很棒那页爸爸的...
当之无愧的第一名🥇,文字和图画的反差萌,隐藏的big bad wolf,little red ridding hood典故,台下看爸爸摔跤的过往打起了盹,还有个头发稀疏的观众,直接用超现实主义画法—一把梳子代替了头发,三大男高音痛苦的表情、跑得比短跑冠军还要快(冠军们都闭着眼睛,还有的悠闲地打起了电话)变成了马蹄的桌子腿、做加减法的时候,无力的眼神...和文字形成了巨大的反差,细节里隐藏的小太阳无处不在.