
2020-3-11 15:05 原创 · 图片6



电子书正在逐渐取代纸质书,而各个国家读者电子书的阅读量差距巨大,中国远远 落后。



而中国读者在电子书上的平均 花费 仅为4.3美元(约合人民币29元)。




英国小学提倡的是reading for pleasure,即通过阅读获取乐趣,顺便构建自己的知识体系。


“有目的的延展性学习,是孩子们读书的第一驱动力” 。


那么,今天就附送上 英国图书信托基金会 (book trust) 从全国小学生-中学生的日常阅读书籍中,选出来的100本图书——英国小朋友 14岁前的必读书目 (内附年龄划分),分享你们,大家查漏补缺,争取在12岁时全部通过哦~

ps:英国图书信托基金会(booktrust) 是由英格兰艺术委员会(arts council england)资助的独立慈善组织,同时它也是 英国最大的文化艺术组织。




the cat in the hat《戴帽子的猫》作者: dr seuss (0 - 5 岁)where the wild things are 《野兽家园》作者: maurice sendak (0 - 5 岁)the tiger who came to tea 《来喝下午茶的老虎》作者:judith kerr (0 - 5 岁)the very hungry caterpillar 《饥饿的毛毛虫》作者: eric carle (0 - 5 岁)the elephant and the bad baby 《大象和坏小子》 作者: elfrida vipont (0 - 5 岁)meg and mog 《女巫麦格和小猫莫格》 by helen nicholl (0 - 5 岁)dogger 《戴夫的玩具》by shirley hughes (0 - 5 岁)each peach pear plum 《桃子李子和梅子》by allan ahlberg (0 - 5 岁)would you rather? 《你愿不愿意?》by john burningham (0 - 5 岁)he snowman 《雪娃娃》 by raymond briggs (0 - 5 岁)not now, bernard 《伯纳德,等一下》 by david mckee (0 - 5 岁)where's spot? 《斯波特去哪儿了?》 by eric hill (0 - 5 岁)dear zoo《亲爱的动物园》 by rod campbell (0 - 5 岁)gorilla 《大猩猩》 by anthony browne (0 - 5 岁)hairy maclary from donaldson's dairy《唐纳森日记里的毛毛狗》 by lynley dodd (0 - 5 岁)the jolly postman 《快乐的邮递员》 by allan ahlberg (0 - 5 岁)princess smartypants《顽皮公主》 by babette cole (0 - 5 岁)i want my potty 《我想要自己的厕所》 by tony ross (0 - 5 岁)we're going on a bear hunt 《我们出发去猎熊》 by michael rosen (0 - 5 岁)i will not ever never eat a tomato 《我永远也不吃西红柿》by lauren child (0 - 5 岁)room on a broom 《女巫扫帚排排坐》 by julia donaldson (0 - 5 岁)lost and found 《失而复得》by oliver jeffers (0 - 5 岁)little mouse's big book of fears《小老鼠:帮你解除恐惧的书》 by emily gravett (0 - 5 岁)ten little fingers and ten little toes《十个小手指和十个脚趾头》 by mem fox (0 - 5 岁)i want my hat back 《我想要回我的帽子》 by jon klassen (0 - 5 岁) 



pippi longstocking 《长袜子皮皮》 by astrid lindgren (5 - 7 years)winnie-the-pooh 《维尼小熊》 by a. a. milne (6 - 8 years)the story of babar 《小象巴巴的故事》 by jean de brunhoff (6 - 8 years)little house in the big woods《大森林里的小木屋》 by laura ingalls wilder (6 - 8 years)the enchanted wood 《魔法森林》 by enid blyton (6 - 8 years)five on a treasure island 《金银岛上的少年》 by enid blyton (6 - 8 years)finn family moomintroll 《魔法师的帽子》 by tove jansson (6 - 8 years)my naughty little sister 《我的淘气妹妹》 bydorothy edwards (6 - 8 years)charlotte's web《夏洛的网》 by eb white (6 - 8 years)a bear called paddington《一只叫做帕丁顿的熊》 by michael bond (6 - 8 years)asterix the gaul《阿斯泰利克斯的高卢人》 by rene goscinny and albert uderzo (6 - 8 years)flat stanley《扁平娃斯坦利》 by jeff brown (6 - 8 years)the worst witch《最糟糕的女巫》 by jill murphy (6 - 8 years)mister magnolia 《光脚丫先生》 by quentin blake (6 - 8 years)the queen's nose《女王的鼻子》 by dick king-smith (6 - 8 years)the true story of the three little pigs《三个小猪的真实故事》 by jon scieszka (6 - 8 years)amazing grace《奇异恩典》 by mary hoffman (6 - 8 years)the adventures of milly molly mandy《米莉茉莉曼迪的冒险》 by joyce lankester brisley (6 - 8 years)horrid henry 《调皮的亨利》 by francesca simon (6 - 8 years)the sheep-pig《牧羊猪》by dick king smith (6 - 8 years)clarice bean, that's me《查理,是我呀》 by lauren child (6 - 8 years)that rabbit belongs to emily brown《艾米丽布朗的兔子》 by cressida cowell (6 - 8 years)diary of a wimpy kid《小屁孩日记》 by jeff kinney (6 - 8 years)the bfg《吹梦巨人》 by roald dahl (6- 8 years)the arrival 《抵岸》by shaun tan (6- 8 years)the adventures of tin tin《丁丁历险记》 by herge (9 - 12 years)swallows and amazons《燕子与鹦鹉》 by arthur ransome (9 - 12 years)ballet shoes《芭蕾鞋》 by noel streatfield (9 - 12 years)the hobbit 《霍比特人》by j r r tolkien (9 - 12 years)the little prince《小公主》 by antoine de saint-exupéry (9 - 12 years)the lion, the witch and the wardrobe《狮子,女巫和壁橱》 by c. s. lewis (9 - 12 years)the borrowers 《借东西的小人》 by mary norton (9 - 12 years)the wolves of willoughby chase《威洛比山庄的狼》 by joan aitken (9 - 12 years)stig of the dump《仓库里的斯蒂格》 by clive king (9 - 12 years)carrie's war《嘉利的战争》 by nina bawden (9 - 12 years)goodnight mr tom《晚安汤姆先生》 by michelle magorian (9 - 12 years)the witches 《女巫们》by roald dahl (9 - 12 years)matilda《玛蒂尔达》 by roald dahl (9 - 12 years)truckers: the first book of the nomes by terry pratchett (9 - 12 years)the story of tracy beaker《特雷西秘密手记》 by jacqueline wilson (9 - 12 years)flour babies《面粉娃娃》by anne fine (9 - 12 years)harry potter and the philosopher's stone《哈利波特和魔法石》by j. k. rowling (9 - 12 years)skellig《史凯利》 by david almond (9 - 12 years)holes《别有洞天》 by louis sachar (9 - 12 years)artemis fowl《阿特米斯》 by eoin colfer (9 - 12 years)journey to river sea《河流海洋之旅》 by eva ibbotson (9 - 12 years)private peaceful《柑橘与柠檬啊》 by michael morpurgo (9 - 12 years)millions《百万英镑》 by frank cottrell boyce (9 - 12 years)once《曾经》 by morris gleitzman (9 - 12 years)a monster calls《当怪物来敲门》 by patrick ness (9 - 12 years) 



how i live now《我的生存之道》by meg rosoff(12- 14 years)looking for jj《寻找jj》by anne cassidy(12- 14 years)the curious incident of the dog in the night-time《深夜小狗离奇事件》by mark haddon(12- 14 years)i capture the castle《我的秘密城堡》by dodie smith(12- 14 years)mortal engines《掠食城市》by philip reeve(12- 14 years)the boy in the striped pyjamas《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》by john boyne(12- 14 years)northern lights《北极光》by philip pullman(12- 14 years)coram boy《科拉姆男孩》by jamila gavin(12- 14 years)noughts and crosses《井字游戏》by malorie blackman(12- 14 years)the knife of never letting go《拦路刀》by patrick ness(12- 14 years)the graveyard book《坟场之书》by neil gaiman illustrator: chris riddell(12- 14 years)the hunger games《饥饿游戏》by suzanne colins(12- 14 years)revolver《转轮手枪》by marcus sedgwick(12- 14 years)angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging《青春爱欲吻》by louise rennison(12- 14 years)the kite rider《追风筝的人》by geraldine mccaughrean(12- 14 years)stormbreaker《风暴突击者》by anthony horowitz(12- 14 years)junk《嗑药》by melvin burgess(12- 14 years)life: an exploded diagram《生命分解图》by mal peet(12- 14 years)maggot moon《月球狂想曲》by sally gardner(12- 14 years)the fellowship of the ring《魔戒现身》by jrr tolkeinthe owl service《猫头鹰服务》by alan garnerwatership down《沃特希普高地》by richard adamsforever《永远》by judy blumethe ruby in the smoke《雾中红宝石》by philip pullman

